shallow focus photography of two boys doing wacky faces

What We Do

Local Family Care

The Go Mena aims to break the cycle of orphanhood through the power of community and the love of Jesus Christ. Regardless of traditional orphan care models, we connect a global family united by a shared vision of caring for children and vulnerable families in various areas. By focusing on one child at a time, we provide sustainable, locally based family-style care centered on compassion and hope, with the belief that every child deserves a chance at a better future.


  • Enhancing family bonds through creating job opportunities, education, and community support.

  • Providing cultural continuity.

  • Strengthening and supporting families and orphans.

  • Prevention programs that provide families with financial management skills, work skills, and spiritual healing.


Providing local church leaders with the necessary support to develop and create local solutions in response to the orphan crisis in various areas of care, and providing local family care for children who are in desperate need of it.


Providing children in the transition phase from orphan care with the necessary skills to transition into adulthood.